Uniform Policy
MC Prep Uniform Store
Mercy Culture Preparatory partners with Lands' End to provide school uniforms. Search for your school by name or search by using your Preferred School Number: 900197310
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Mercy Culture Preparatory partners with Land’s End and MC Supply Co. for all our uniform, spirit wear, and athletic gear offerings. All students are required to be in uniform Monday through Friday. On Fridays however, students may wear spirit wear and appropriate jeans. If a student is out of dress code, they will be sent to the office and the parent will be called.
To ensure uniformity, both uniform tops much be purchased from Land’s End. Uniform bottoms may be purchased from Land's End, Target, Gap or Old Navy. Periodically we will sell our own spirit wear offerings through MC Supply Co.
Please refer to the uniform guideline down below to ensure your child in compliant with our dress code policy.
Uniform items for boys
● Polo shirt or Oxford shirt with the school logo embroidered by Land’s End (color and fabric of your choice)
● Black or khaki chino pants, or
● Black or khaki chino shorts
● Elastic waistband chino pants are only allowed for elementary students only
● Belt (black or brown) – If uniform pants or shorts have bell loops, students must wear a belt
● Shoes: tennis shoes or dress shoes. They are to coordinate appropriately with the uniform, maintain a clean appearance, and not be a distraction
● Only MC Prep issued outerwear may be worn, this includes, sweaters, cardigans, pull-over sweaters, vests, jackets, blazers (optional), letter jackets, etc.
● Note: a MC Prep uniform shirt must be always worn under these items
Uniform Items for Girls
● Polo shirt or Oxford shirt with the school logo embroidered by Land’s End (color, fit, and fabric of your choice)
● Black polo dress with the school logo embroidered by Land’s End (K-6th only)
● Black or khaki skort, or
● Black or khaki skirt, or
● Black or khaki chino pants, or
● Black or khaki chino shorts
● Any uniform item that is considered a skirt/short must be at an appropriate length (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee)
● Modesty shorts or leggings must be worn under all skirts/dresses (black, white, or grey only)
● Belt (black or brown) – If uniform pants or shorts have belt loops, students must wear a belt
● Shoes: tennis shoes, dress shoes, or dress sandals may be worn. They are to coordinate appropriately with the uniform, maintain a clean appearance, and not be a distraction
● Only MC Prep issued outerwear may be worn, this includes, sweaters, cardigans, pull-over sweaters, vests, jackets, blazers (optional), letter jackets, etc.
● Note: a MC Prep uniform shirt must be always worn under these items
Further Guidelines
● Shirts must be tucked in at all times
● No jacket that is not MC Prep issued is allowed in the building. In case of cold weather or rain, students may only use a non-MC Prep jacket outside the building
● At no time is it appropriate to wear the hood up on hooded sweatshirts inside the building
● Dress sandals with back strap for girls are permitted (no “flip-flops”) No sandals or "flip-flops" for boys
Never Permitted
● Attire that is revealing or immodest
● Attire that is not clean or is frayed or torn
● Attire judged by the administrator or principal as inappropriate
● Joggers or black jeans to be used as uniform pants
● Crocs or slides
● Hats inside the building
Required Uniform For P.E. (5th – 12th)
It is necessary to purchase a regulated physical education uniform from the MCP Athletic Department. There are no substitutes for this uniform. Athletic shoes may be brought from home for P.E. classes.
Spirit Wear Fridays:
Every Friday, students may wear an MC Prep Spirit T-shirt and conservative jeans. If the jeans have holes, they must be below the knee, and it must not be too revealing (holes should not be bigger than 1 inch). Shirts do not have to be tucked in. If any student fails to adhere to these simple guidelines, parents will be called to bring a change of clothes.
Grooming Guidelines for Boys
1. Hair should be trimmed evenly across the neck, and it should be no longer than the top of the shirt collar. Hair should be neatly combed and clean. Any hairstyle that is considered inappropriate or a distraction to the learning process by the head of school will be dealt with as a grooming violation. A flagrant violation can result in suspension for the student.
2. Boys may never wear earrings or piercings (this includes all school-sponsored activities on or off campus)
3. Pants must be worn at the waist
4. Boys must be clean shaven
5. Hats or hoods may not be worn inside the building
Grooming Guidelines for Girls:
1. Girls’ hair should be conservatively styled. Hair color that is too far off a student’s natural hair color is not allowed. Hair should not hang down in the face. Hair bows and headbands that coordinate with the uniforms are permissible.
2. Jewelry cannot be excessive. Small earrings and simple rings are permitted with the uniforms. Facial piercings are not allowed with the exception of small nose studs for High School girls.
3. Elementary girls may not wear make-up in school. Secondary girls should wear understated makeup and nail polish.
Note: The Head of School/principal reserves the right to make certain judgments concerning dress code that may not be covered in the handbook.